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No introduction is necessary. -Jenis (talk) 17:41, September 20, 2016 (UTC) ##Introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Overcome Writer's Block" ## There is something called writer's block that affects people. They may find it difficult to write anything and it can stay with them for some time. It can prevent you from writing for days or weeks or even months. This can be frustrating to some though. So what are the things that you should do to overcome writer's block? Here are some tips. # 1 3. Write down your thoughts on paper while you are having a walk or thinking about it. Writing helps you organize your thoughts better. Writing provides more comprehensible thoughts which can be exhibited under different circumstances in the future, so it will be easier for you to write about them when they happen again. # 2 If your mind is not sharp for writing, then take a little time away from writing. Take out time for yourself whenever you have writer's block, then it will get better afterwards. You can also improve your skills by reading or watching movies for a while to give your mind some rest and freedom from the burden of writing. # 3 Try doing something fun and exciting instead of writing. Forcing yourself to write despite writer's block will only make it more difficult for you to write anything. You should take a break and not do anything related to writing, not even read anything about it. ## So with these tips in mind, you will surely be able to overcome writer's block with ease! Title: My Blog Posts Title 1 Introduction - The introduction is used before the content in different kinds of essays. One should use the introduction to offer an overview. It should start with a hook to capture the attention of the audience. The introduction should not include any details about your content, but it should give a brief preview of what is contained in your essay. 2 Body Paragraphs - Like different kinds of essays, each body paragraph should also have an introduction that offers a preview of what you are going to say. It is recommended that you include three or four points in your main points and then complete each point with relevant details and examples. 3 Conclusion - If you want to finish your essay on a strong note and leave a lasting impact on your readers, then make sure that you write an impressive conclusion. It should be able to summarize your essay and should leave the audience wondering what else you should write about in the future. 4 Conclusions - Sometimes, an essay may be concluded without a conclusion. Also, sometimes the introduction may lead the readers to believe that there is no need for a conclusion. In such cases, having a conclusion can be very helpful and it will help you end your presentation(which is not always around) with a bang. 5 References - Do not forget to include references in each of your body paragraphs and in your overall essay for evidence and credibility if necessary. References help readers find more information on any subject that you provide; this could be articles or books or even your own essays. cfa1e77820